Preis: 2500 EUR Das Gerät ist in einem sehr gutem Zustand, geprüft und voll funktionsfähig. Weight 210 kg Width 123.2 cm Height 69 cm Depth 53 cm plus connection for suction
Pulsoximeter ist ein sehr häufiges und wichtiges Gerät an Patienten Blut-Sauerstoffsättigung SPO2 und die Pulsfrequenz zu überprüfen. Dieser Pulsoxymeter kann im Krankenhaus
PROFITABILITY CALCULATIONS of the various compression systems compressors, reciprocating compressors, double acting, DEMAG POKORNY ZL 330, 33m3/min, 7 bar. 200kW, IP23, SCREW COMPRESSOR 1 stage
Absolutely No Heat ANH applied to the oil. Stored away from sunlight and other heat sources. Sediment-filtered a minimum of four times No cholesterol No artificial flavors or colors
Stored away from sunlight and other heat sources. Sediment-filtered a minimum of four times No cholesterol No artificial flavors or colors No preservatives No chemicals or food additives
Ein leistungsstarker Projektor, ausgestattet mit der neuesten Digital Light ProcessingTechnologie DLP , einfach zu bedienen, keine stoerenden Rasterdarstellungen, Gewicht nur 2
Immediate Jobs requirement of Data Processing Team Lead/ Manager for INNOVAYS Technologies Skills: E-mail Appending, List Building, Data Appending, List Management etc. Desired Candidate Profile
Immediate Jobs requirement of Data Processing Team Lead/ Manager for INNOVAYS Technologies Skills: E-mail Appending, List Building, Data Appending, List Management etc. Desired Candidate Profile
Ausstattung:FD Trinitron WEGA Super Fine Pitch Bildröhre im 16:9 Format82cm Bildröhrendiagonale 76cm sichtbar 2 TunerWEGA Black Chili Bildtechnologie mit:Hohe Bewegungsschärfe durch Advanced
The Arch London Hotel are in search of interesting minds, skilled thinkers, with excellent communication skill, excellent interpersonal relations, excellence in service, eye for detail, polite
TRIEU MARBLE & STONE TMS is a professional manufacturer & exporter of marble and stone products in the Centre of Vietnam with a history of 19 years. Our staff are all well trained
TRIEU MARBLE & STONE TMS is a professional manufacturer & exporter of marble and stone products in the Centre of Vietnam with a history of 19 years. Our staff are all well trained